Dr. Chelsealya "Cookie" Payne, DCL (h.c.)
Congregational Consultant
Princlpal Coach, Payne Purpose Academy, LLC
Are you seeking to build or restore your congregation? Look no further. Our 6-week course, led by the renowned Dr. Chelsealya "Cookie" Payne, uses The PETER Program (Purpose, Empathy, Team, Education, and Results) to guide churches to a stronger congregation and a more vibrant community.
Founded on practical and biblical insights (Matthew 16:18), our program harnesses the restorative power of the church to bring about positive change in your community. It's not just about numbers; it's about instilling a sense of purpose, fostering empathy, building a strong team, educating members, and delivering tangible results.
In a world filled with day-to-day challenges, mental wellness is more important than ever. Our program incorporates guidance from licensed professionals and certified peer specialists, to help equip your congregation with tools to better handle these challenges.
The Payne Purpose Academy, LLC is dedicated to transforming communities from within, nurturing mental wellness, and fostering resilient bonds that stand the test of time. Through our holistic approach, we aspire to guide every church towards a future of unity, strength, and positive impact.